Friday, April 22, 2011

My horse loves cross country

Yesterday was a big day, our first cross country lesson! I was on the fence about even driving to Otter Creek at first because they had snow on the ground the day before but I went anyways and was so glad I did. By the time we were outside it was 40 degrees and sunny without any snow in sight. I have to be honest, I was a little nervous. It was only mine and Kelso's third time outside together and we haven't been jumping much as we've been so focused on getting his balance and rideability better on the flat. Luckily all that dressage paid off and he was much more balanced over the jumps and did not rush off after landing!

We started warming up over cross rails and after a few times through we were cantering around the edge of the ring and my trainer Jenny said "take that one" and pointed to a small coop on the long side of the arena. We were only a few strides out, not enough room to protest, so we went to it and got right over. And Kelso got over it without any help from me, I had no idea what I was doing so i just hung on and left the jumping up to him. I was so focused on the approach and the landing afterwards that I didn't stop to realize that was our first cross country jump together until Jenny pointed it out! After a few more we went outside the ring and had our inaugural canter in the field. It felt amazing! Kelso was so smooth and so rideable, he listened so well and was quite happy to be outside in the beautiful weather. He was so fun to ride, he marched right out to the field ears up and ready to go and was super over everything we took him through. We went in the water first, up and down the bank, over a starter novice coop and then a beginner novice coop and over several ditches. He loved it! He was taking me right to all the jumps without any hesitation or wiggly-ness. And he didn't gallop off or buck or get crazy out in the field by himself. I think he's going to be awesome in competition, I can just tell he has the attitude where he wants to do the job and do it well. He was so proud of himself on the way back to the barn! I was so happy, I took that amazing feeling with me all day.

Me and Kelso... we're officially going to be eventers!


  1. this sounds like quite a day! Kelso is a favorite lake up here where i live. Very cool, FIRST JUMP! ps have so many questions!
